Day 233 of 365 Things To Do in Panama
Day 233 of 365 Things To Do In Panama. Enjoy the musical "La Fogonera, A Panamanian Cinderella"

Enjoy the folkloric musical "Fogonera, A Panamanian Cinderella" at the Teatro En Circulo in the City of Knowldege on Saturday, August 26th at 3:00pm.
Fogonera is the pejorative name given by her stepsisters to Bernardina, a beautiful young girl that is left to be taken care of by her evil stepmother and stepsisters when her father dies, a rich landowner from Azuero.
The Governor of Los Santos organizes a ball to celebrate the first 5 years of independence of Panama and invites everyone. But the wicked stepmother doesn’t let Fogonera go to the ball.
While she mourns her sorrows with the little mice from Ocú and the lizards from Guararé, the Queen of Congos appears, telling Bernardina that she is her Fairy Godmother, and in the middle of drums and joy she is dressed with her pollera to go to the ball in a carriage made with a watermelon.
At the ball, the Governor’s sons fight for the love of Fogonera in a dance called La Espina, that demands talent and agility. But at midnight, her tembleques made of pearls and crystals, as her pollera, turn into tatters once again.
Live this great musical experience, written and directed by Agustín Clément, with original music by Maestros Cholo Bernal and Alfonso Lewis, and featuring Ana Alejandra Carrizo, Lissette Condassin, José Carranza, Marisín Luzcando, José Miguel Castro, Nilena Zisópulos and Cuky Gray.
The musical play mixes fantasy, comedy, history and folklore!