El único Panamá - Week 38
Welcome to our weekly series about the uniqueness of Panama!
Photo: udaipurtimes.com
Dress Codes are Taken Seriously!
Panama is a religious and rather conservative country.
No shorts or bare shoulders in government buildings. The security guard will not allow you in the building, don't even try! Men are required to have long pants and shoulders must be covered. Many places will not allow hats and NO sunglasses, especially in banks.
On public transportation people (maids, gardeners, etc) wear their regular clothes. Once they arrive at their job they change into work clothes and before they board again they change back into their regular clothes.
Panamanians are laid back but that does not mean you can walk around half naked in your bikini. You could be fined! No naked beaches unless you find yourself the only one on an island.
All students, both public and private, are required to wear uniforms in their school color.