Day 140 of 365 Things To Do in Panama
Day 140 of 365 Things To Do in Panama. Make Your Way to the Urban Market!
Saturday 20th and Sunday, May 21st you can check out the new edition of Urban Market, whose objective is to promote sustainable agriculture and craft production, create new spaces for meeting and citizen interaction. The event will take place in front of the Square in Ciudad del Saber from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
In the Market you can find handicrafts and the sale of products free of agrochemicals, handicrafts and ornamental plants of the Ciudad del Saber nursery, as well as vegetables, fruits, yard hen eggs, unprocessed honey, handmade foodstuffs, cosmetics made with natural ingredients and other similar products. In addition, refreshments and food will be sold in the area of healthy food.