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Day 184 of 365 Things To Do in Panama

Day 184 of 365 Things To Do in Panama. Try some Nance Fruit!

You may have seen bottles for sale along side the road filled with little yellow balls that look like cherries. You are probably wondering that is.

Nance is a fruit popular in Panama. The bottle also contains water which is to preserve the fruit.

The taste is different than any other fruit. It has a distinctive flavor and a strong smell.

The fruits can be eaten raw or cooked as a dessert. In rural Panama, the dessert pesada de nance is very popular. It is prepared by adding sugar and flour. You may also find Nance candy.

Some of the health benefits from eating the Nance fruit include:

- help to strengthen the bones and teeth

- gives you energy and relieve common fatigue

- reduces stress and anxiety

- can give relief from aching bones

- improves cardiac function and boost memory power

- increases your immunity

- the bark of the Nance tree is used for treating diarrhea, rashes, wounds and pulmonary diseases.

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