Day 229 of 365 Things To Do in Panama
Day 229 of 365 Things To Do in Panama. Write A Blog!

Are you a traveler, entrepreneur, expert in an area of interest or hobby, like telling stories or talking about things? Then you should consider writing a blog - for fun or money!
According to Dan Reich, the top 9 reasons to blog are:
1. It's your new resume
2. It's your new hiring tool
3. Network with new people
4. Turn messy ideas into neat ones
5. Reflect on your past to improve your future
6. Get some peace of mind
7. Create your own PR machine
8. Juice up your own writing skills
9. Produce more, consume less
The cool thing about blogging - you can work remotely. You know what I am saying, by the pool, on your boat, in your hammock.....